GSC 50th Anniversary
Garden State Central Model Railroad Club
Wall, NJ
A New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation
Established 1963
100% NMRA
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We are celebrating our tenth year at InfoAge in Wall, NJ. Take a look at our plans on our Layout page.

If you want to keep up with our changes, join us on our Facebook page.
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Last Updated: 1/4/2025

2024 Holiday Show Wrap-up

We wish to thank all the people who came this year and helped make it another success!

This year we collected close to 500 toys that were given to Toys-ForTots for local families.

An October 2023 Update

Walt Dietz in front of his beautiful scratch built
model of the Huber breaker.
Walt built his model from acrylic sheets overlaid
with styrene details.
The road in feont of the staton Easton's Lehigh Valley station
The transition area between Easton and Bethlehem. Easton's Lehigh Valley Dining Car building, being worked on by Bob Ortley.

A March 2021 Update

Well its been an interesting year hasn't it? The InfoAge museum has been open with very limited capacity, and we've been able to get into our layout room and do a little work over the past year. While the progress has been slow, a lot is getting done. These pictures should get you up to date on the latest changes. Lets see how it looks.....

A Quick March 2019 Update.


Its been nice to get back to work on the main layout. Here's just a quick update with some pictures of the area between Bethlehem (left) and Easton, PA (right). This is the bridge where the CNJ crosses over the Lehigh River from Bethlehem heading over to the yard in Allentown, PA. The gray road bridge in the background is the Hill to Hill bridge. (Click on the picture to see it full size)

Next up is some operations on the layout. We finally get to play with what we've been working on for the last three years!

PS - Our next open house will be in early May. Details will be posted in early April.

Fall Update - 10-20-18


Its been a busy summer, and we haven't had a chance to update the layout pictures. If you follow our Facebook pages, you may have seen a few of these before. As of now, the mainline from Jersey City, through Easton to Wilkes-Barre is completed. See more pictures.

Temporary Loop Move 6-8-18


Well, in order to lay the mainline track through the Bethlehem Steel area, we needed to know the correct alignment through Easton. The only way to do that was to move the temporary loop and put the Easton section in. Now the loop is on the west end of Beth Steel. See more pictures.

Bethlehem Update 4/18/18

beth steel update 1  beth steel update2  beth steel update3

The push is on to get as much completed as we can in Bethlehem for our 2nd Open House on May 12th, 2018. This will show you the progress we've been able to make so far. Don't forget to stop by next month and see it for yourself!

Bethlehem Steel Update 2/5/18

Beth Steel with its buildings  The high line with its charging larry under the Minsi Trail Bridge

Now back to working on Beth Steel. We've just begun working on the high line that runs behind all the blast furnaces. This is dual gauge (broad and regular) track that all the rail equipment ran on to bring raw materials to the blast furnaces. We realized that some of the pictures had been put up on the Facebook pages, but not all of it was on our web site. This update will rectify the situation. And now you're all caught up.

Push-Button Layout Update 10/2/17

overview of the push-button layout  Steve working on the tracks

The layout crew was getting too much attention, so this month we focused on the crew making the push-button display layout for our Museum room. They've been working on this for months, and we realized that they haven't had any pictures of their progress on the website. My appologies. Here's all the progress they've made.

Layout Plans 8/1/17

GSC Layout Plan 8-1-17

We've made so many changes to the plans for our layout that we thought it was time to put the newest version online for everyone to see. Enjoy. Take a look at all the plans.

  That's all for now.

Made With Macintosh (what else?)   And   Unmade With A PC(That's what else)

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