Trips Button Garden State Central
Model Railroad Club

Holiday Train Show 2008

All pictures and story on this page Copyright © 2008 by Bob Ortley

The first thing you will see as you enter the Marconi Hotel is the beautiful holiday decorative display in the main lobby complete with Lionel Trains around the tree. Special thanks goes to Doug Natale of the GSCMRR for this wonderful display. Turn left and follow the hallway to the main dinning room for the first stage of the train display. To begin with, the fine craftsmanship of the John Pugh Circus Ring Circus Model Builders will be on display with circus themed layouts. These feature O , HO, N and Z gauge trains. Lots and lots of Christmas trees are also on display featuring many different types of trees with handcrafted ornaments
Next to the trees is also a nice N gauge layout being built by Doug Natale and his sons Jonathan and Nick. You won't miss the gigantic display of Mike Golub's O gauge Coca Cola trains, memorabilia, collectable houses and airplanes.
Proceed through the rear hallway out of the dining room, turn left and follow the many train signs... Down the ramp
Here you will see the expanded new exhibit hall featuring the main display of many different portable train layouts that have been built just for this event. Special thanks to Nels Warren and the organizers of the recent Haunted Hotel display that was open to the public during October. What was once the haunted house has now been converted to the Train Station gateway to the main train display area by the members of the GSCMRR. The inside of the train station is filled with the decorating work of Sara and Colleen.
Returning once again is the Shark River Railroad Modeling Group, operating under the umbrella of the GSCMRR. Rob Bird, Steve Lang and Bob Ortley built this multi-seasonal and multi-scale layout featuring N gauge and HO gauge trains featuring the Shark River Railroad, other Eastern railroads and Christmas Trains. Steve also brought back his Paddle Creek Junction Holiday N scale layout from 2007. But the group also added three more layouts for 2008. Steve built an N scale version of the Pine Creek Railroad that operates in Allaire State Park. (Kids, ask about the push buttons!) Bob also built an N scale layout called the Darby Creek Central named after a creek in an area just west of Philadelphia. Also, a Lionel display featuring the Polar Express and ceramic Christmas houses are just the thing for the Holiday Season The GSCMRR went all out with its giant G gauge display featuring many different types of these large gauge trains.
Let us get you in the Holiday mood with Christmas trees , decorations and live music too on the final weekend of the show featuring "Extra Innings". The Train Show continues Fridays 7:00 to 10:00 PM and Saturdays and Sundays 1:00 to 5:00 PM through Sunday December 21st.
Steve's Paddle Creek Junction. Lots of G Gauge!
Come on in and see the trains! The Darby Creek Central in Pennsylvania.
Santa in the Train Station. Thomas Viaduct of the GGSCMRR modular layout.
Z Gauge in a Briefcase! John Pugh Ring Circus Modelers.
Mike G and his Santa and Coke memorabilia. Colleen and Sara's trees and snowmen
Getting ready for the show! Shark River RR Layout. Where is that boat going?
Allaire's Pine Creek RR in miniature, is there a flea market today? All aboard the Polar Express!
Steamshovel Jimmy N's fast, fast, fast trains! The show is under way for 2008
Jimmy J's B&O comin' at ya! More and more G Gauge! LIVE STEAM!!!!
It's the Fall in Pennsylvania. Come back again before its all over!

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